Useful or Not?

Day 75 of Flatiron School


2 minute read

model associations diagram

So last night I chose not to write a post. I attended a study group that walked through the lab I’ll be doing tomorrow on Pundit and watched a lecture. Since I didn’t do any actual writing of code I skipped the blog. However, I know how to solve the Pundit lab quickly now ;-).

I started tonight off helping out my man Mike (we did the Music Library CLI project together) setup his associations for this Sinatra portfolio project (see above). That was fun and I realized I knew how to explain to somebody else associations.

The rest of tonight was all about CanCanCan and Devise Roles. CanCanCan was a pain in the ass to say the least. The Devise Roles labs had very little coding related to roles and the tests were more about the controllers and views. I have an intuition of sorts and know when to “phone it in” sometimes. Tonight I did that on CanCanCan. I didn’t really understand it and just kept going anyway. I chose not to dive deep into it. Later on tonight in a lecture video Avi stated that he doesn’t use CanCanCan. I guess it’s supposed to be like the SQL before Active Record. I just have a hard time wrapping my head around getting taught a gem that isn’t recommended. Either way, I’m past it now.

I’m leading my first study group in the morning. Wish me luck!

Time spent today: 4:40
Time spent total: 281:27
Lessons completed today: 5
Lessons completed total: 514

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