Let's Keep It Safe With Authentication

Day 70 of Flatiron School


3 minute read

biometric fingerprint scan

It was a strong day and I moved into Authentication. Authentication is going to be a beast I can tell. However, it looks like because it’s such an important topic there are a lot of best practices and good documentation out there. I still haven’t wrapped my head around the Sessions Controller 100% but knowing that it was almost identical in 3 separate labs tells me it’s a relatively static and consistent concept for what I’ll be doing.

Rails is Moving Along

Day 69 of Flatiron School


1 minute read

people around table

Not as much time spent on my curriculum as a typical Saturday but that’s alright. It’s because of the freeCodeCamp meetup that I Co-Organize (see previous post from earlier today). I still feel accomplished. I’m at a point in the Rails section where I have 4 videos then I’m on the last section before the projects. Tomorrow will be telling as to if I’ll hit my goal of starting my Rails projects on the 10th or not.

freeCodeCamp Nashville May Meetup Recap

A recap of the things we went through at our May meetup.


2 minute read

man in tie presenting

So today Dave Harned and I hosted the monthly freeCodeCamp Nashville Meetup. There were 8 of us there and it was good to see new and “old” faces. I think we’re starting to build more of a core group that will consistently attend the meetup. With that we’ve started exploring some other options for larger meetup locations. The library is nice but the wifi is awfully slow and that’s a pretty big downside considering what we’re meeting for.

Rubocop Saves The Day

Day 68 of Flatiron School


1 minute read


I missed writing yesterday. However, I chose to skip the writing while I enjoyed a very productive study group. Not really. We chatted about everything except code mostly because nobody really showed up at the proper time for it. After 3 hours of talking it was late and I decided to not write a blog post. I also went to a Ruby meetup last night. It was underwhelming this month with only 3 of us in attendance.

Render Partial New Mouse, What?

Day 66 of Flatiron School


1 minute read

sql query

Cut it short tonight. Needed to. Learned some more about rendering partials tonight. Main takeaway code example <%= render partial: ‘songs/song_details’, collection: @genre.songs, as: :song %> will iterate through @genre.songs and passes those objects to the partial as song. My wife bought be a trackball mouse :-) Prepped some of my possible presentation on REST for Saturday. That’s all I got. Time spent today: 1:34 Time spent total: 248:16 Lessons completed today: 4