Popular Gems Are All The Rage

Day 99 of Flatiron School


1 minute read

uncut gemstones

Not much to report today. I spent my time working through some labs that were about popular Ruby Gems and how to find good ones. Paperclip, Kaminari, and Active Admin were presented and gone over. I also found out that RubyMine is going to be my IDE basically for the rest of the curriculum. This is because I’m writing Rails back end and JS front end. WebStorm is a 100% JS IDE so it would have serious problems with the Rails part of the apps I’ll be building.

The Asset Pipeline Is Flowing

Day 98 of Flatiron School


1 minute read


I finally got back into the swing of Flatiron. I did <30 mins of school yesterday so I just chose to blog about FCC. A lot of reading going on as of late. The Rails asset pipeline and how to use it. I actually figured out some of this since I implemented Bootstrap in my Rails Portfolio Project. It felt good to plow through some labs tonight. I’m so close. Now is the time to crank up the intensity and really go at it to the finish line.

freeCodeCamp Nashville June Meetup Recap

A recap of the things we went through at our June meetup.


3 minute read

dave & seth @ music city code

We had our June meetup today and it was good. A small group but we solved some problems together and we talked shop some. Specifically, Leland brought up the scope of the projects. How it’s easy to go off on tangents and hours later be so far away from what you initially started working on. We shared some tips on how to stay focused and keep within the scope of the project.

Opening Day of Music City Code

Day 95 of Flatiron School


1 minute read

music city code logo

This morning came way too soon after last night. However, today was good. Got to see Jest in action. Saw a simple Hapi.js server. Learned about Wallaby.js. Got to do some planning for our table tomorrow and Saturday. Got 3 lessons/labs done in Flatiron and finished the Advanced JS section. It was good. I’m looking forward to tomorrow. However, I will not get sidetracked like I did last night and actually get to bet before 11pm tonight.

Another Assessment In The Books!

Day 94 of Flatiron School


3 minute read

colorful hands illustration

I passed my Rails Assessment today! It went well and there was only one thing I needed to follow up with after it was over. Now I’m just looking for the check mark on it to turn green! The next few days are going to be LONG. However, they should be very productive and great networking. They’ll be long because they start EARLY (like be there at 7am early) and I still plan on coding at night once the kiddos go to bed.