Day 34

Today was very productive and we had a great Free Code Camp Nashville meetup. So close to being done with the ORMs and ActiveRecord section!


3 minute read

taking notes

It was a good day in the coding world of Seth. I started out completing a decent size lab in the ActiveRecord section. Then headed off to the Free Code Camp Nashville meetup. It was a great meetup where Jason Gresalfi presented on how he had created a Chrome extension. The repo for his extentsion can be found here and you can find it in the Chrome webstore here. It’s amazing how “simple” chrome extensions can be.

Day 33

Active Record is awesome, Gemfile.lock files are not so awesome, and I plan to play some catch up and still hit my goals...


3 minute read

magic comes from work

I started Active Record tonight and I’m stoked. Mostly because a lot of the work has already been done and now I can just use the magic that is provided to me. I think I have always had the basic understanding that there are libraries that will be doing a lot of the things I have been learning for me. That is why when I get stuck on things but can still complete projects and labs I just push through.

3 minute read

So I wanted to share the hacks that I’m using to upgrade my life some and increase my mental aptitude to crushing this curriculum. There is a certain amount of mental stamina that has to be maintained on a day to day basis to keep up this pace. So… here’s my brain upgrades/biohacks/etc… that keep my moving tip top while doing this bootcamp full time and taking care of kids full time.

1 minute read

Almost 3 hours of review vidoes watched tonight. On thing that I think can be very useful to all. A double bang !! converts an object to it’s truthy value. For example: seth@seth-u:~$ irb 2.4.0 :001 > 1 => 1 2.4.0 :002 > !1 => false 2.4.0 :003 > !!1 => true So the return value of 1 is 1 we know 1 has a boolean value of true. So !

2 minute read

Tonight I had my CLI Gem Project review with one of the instructors. It was pretty cool. I talked through my project from start to almost finish (I realized after we finished we never went over the last method that takes user input to either start over or end). We added another class and refactored some code to make my gen more extensible and flexible in the future. While they’re not official tasks I set a couple new features I want to add to the gem.