Opening Day of Music City Code

Day 95 of Flatiron School


1 minute read

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This morning came way too soon after last night. However, today was good. Got to see Jest in action. Saw a simple Hapi.js server. Learned about Wallaby.js. Got to do some planning for our table tomorrow and Saturday. Got 3 lessons/labs done in Flatiron and finished the Advanced JS section. It was good. I’m looking forward to tomorrow. However, I will not get sidetracked like I did last night and actually get to bet before 11pm tonight.

If you’re keeping track of my lessons total they’re going to start to jump as I do the career services stuff in addition to my curriculum.

Time spent today: 3:35
Time spent total: 362:35
Lessons completed today: 11
Lessons completed total: 592

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