Coding While Sleeping. Is That Possible?
Day 61 of Flatiron School
I’m going to be very happy to code during the day tomorrow. I’ve been tired these last few nights during my target of 8pm - 11pm coding time. I just took a second, leaned back in my chair so my head could rest on the chair back, closed my eyes to think about a problem, and almost fell asleep.
Learned about some Active Record Callbacks of which there are many more than I would have imagined:
- Creating an Object
- before_validation
- after_validation
- before_save
- around_save
- before_create
- around_create
- after_create
- after_save
- after_commit/after_rollback
- Updating an Object
- before_validation
- after_validation
- before_save
- around_save
- before_update
- around_update
- after_update
- after_save
- after_commit/after_rollback
- Destroying an Object
- before_destroy
- around_destroy
- after_destroy
- after_commit/after_rollback
That’s all. Goodnight.
Time spent today: 0:56
Time spent total: 222:27
Lessons completed today: 1
Lessons completed total: 450
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