
3 minute read

lego stormrooper on a skateboard

I moved through a lot of curriculum today. However, I really want to hit the goal I set two weeks ago and I’m on the cusp of it! I had 21 lessons/labs to go for my goal when I checked early in the day. So I set a goal of 11 more today (I had laready finished 2) and finish tomorrow. I missed it by one only because it’s late and I hit an hour and a half review lecture. Since I’m working on ActiveRecord sessions and authentication I want to pay better attention to this lecture than I usually do. Maybe even take a note or two :-).

Ealy in the day I got stuck on a nested forms lab. I was getting an error:

  1) App POST /teams submits the form
     Failure/Error: click_button 'submit'
       expected Hash (got String) for param `name'

but I couldn’t figure out why. My code was:

<h1>Create a Team and Heroes!</h1>
<form action="/teams" method="POST">
  <p>Team Name: <input type="text" name="team[name]"></p>
  <p>Team Motto: <input type="text" name="team[motto]"></p>
  <h2>Hero 1</h2>
  <p>Hero's Name: <input id="member1_name" type="text" name="team[name][hero][][name]"></p>
  <p>Hero's Power: <input id="member1_power" type="text" name="team[name][hero][][power]"></p>
  <p>Hero's Biography: <input id="member1_bio" type="text" name="team[name][hero][][bio]"></p>
  <h2>Hero 2</h2>
  <p>Hero's Name: <input id="member2_name" type="text" name="team[name][hero][][name]"></p>
  <p>Hero's Power: <input id="member2_power" type="text" name="team[name][hero][][power]"></p>
  <p>Hero's Biography: <input id="member2_bio" type="text" name="team[name][hero][][bio]"></p>
  <h2>Hero 3</h2>
  <p>Hero's Name: <input id="member3_name" type="text" name="team[name][hero][][name]"></p>
  <p>Hero's Power: <input id="member3_power" type="text" name="team[name][hero][][power]"></p>
  <p>Hero's Biography: <input id="member3_bio" type="text" name="team[name][hero][][bio]"></p>
  <button type="submit" value="submit">Submit</button>

I kept thinking, “How can form input be anything other than a String? Why is it expecting a hash?” I reached out to a Learn Expert (they’re like Teaching Assistants who are available almost 247 to help) and it took almost an hour to resolve it. However, figured out that because my third line had name="team[name] whenever I called a nested hash that contained team[name] it was returning the string I input instead of setting the params nested hash array to the proper thing. A quick change of my code to:

<h1>Create a Team and Heroes!</h1>
<form action="/teams" method="POST">
  <p>Team Name: <input type="text" name="team[name]"></p>
  <p>Team Motto: <input type="text" name="team[motto]"></p>
  <h2>Hero 1</h2>
  <p>Hero's Name: <input id="member1_name" type="text" name="team[hero][][name]"></p>
  <p>Hero's Power: <input id="member1_power" type="text" name="team[hero][][power]"></p>
  <p>Hero's Biography: <input id="member1_bio" type="text" name="team[hero][][bio]"></p>
  <h2>Hero 2</h2>
  <p>Hero's Name: <input id="member2_name" type="text" name="team[hero][][name]"></p>
  <p>Hero's Power: <input id="member2_power" type="text" name="team[hero][][power]"></p>
  <p>Hero's Biography: <input id="member2_bio" type="text" name="team[hero][][bio]"></p>
  <h2>Hero 3</h2>
  <p>Hero's Name: <input id="member3_name" type="text" name="team[hero][][name]"></p>
  <p>Hero's Power: <input id="member3_power" type="text" name="team[hero][][power]"></p>
  <p>Hero's Biography: <input id="member3_bio" type="text" name="team[hero][][bio]"></p>
  <button type="submit" value="submit">Submit</button>

and my tests were all passing.

I also realized today that I’ve been achieving the end goal of clearing out hashes without using the method provided by ruby. When I read:

Luckily for us, there is already a Ruby method for emptying a hash: #clear.

I thought to myself, “Whoops!” because I’ve just been resetting hashes & arrays by doing @session = {} or @@all = [] up until this point. I haven’t checked the docs yet to make sure this method applies to arrays as well but I feel like I’ve seen it used so I’m relatively confident in that. I guess I’ll find out the first time I use it.

Time spent today: 6:37
Time spent total: 165:06
Lessons completed today: 12
Lessons completed total: 392

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