Daily blog
It was a LONG day on my computer. Ubuntu decided to suggest I update to 16.10 and I did. Well that just started a string of issues that ended up in me reinstalling 16.04.2 LTS. I lost my entire morning and early afternoon to this process before I could get coding today. I’m sure I could’ve figured it out in time but time is something that is precious and I really had no need to upgrade.
Continuing with Rails. I now have 5 pages in my Cast Iron Design notebook. Something cool that I learned today:
<!– How link_to works –> <% @posts.each do |post| %> <div><%= link_to post.title, post_path(post) %></div> <% end %> <!– Creates the following HTML –> <div> <a href="/posts/1">My Title</a> </div> Which is pretty sweet considering how I was doing it in Sinatra. Something else that’s pretty sweet is that when we code post_path(post) Rails is smart enough to know that it needs to use the id attribute of the post object we just passed in.
I don’t know what it is tonight but I just can’t get into the groove. I’m steady distracted and not focused. And no it’s not because of the date, you know you were thinking it. Ugh. At least it’s on a “short” day and I did attend a meetup tonight so I did something beneficial to my coding journey that took a few hours of my evening. I am a few pages into one of my notebooks though so I can say that’s good.
Today I started Rails in all it’s glory. This will be my first full on framework that I get to work with. From what I’ve seen though it’s one of those things that has so much the key will be to stay focused on what I’m trying to have Rails do instead of everything it can do. It’s crazy to think that after this large section Career Services will be reaching out to me to start that process while I finished up the JS part of the program.
You can say I’m pretty stoked. This blog is part of the requirements though so get ready :-). Actually, I didn’t take enough notes to really get into the code in this blog. I did hit some solid stumbling blocks and there is some major refactoring of code needing to happen but I’m overall pretty happy. A large part of the time I spent was making the app look good utilizing Bootstrap.