Daily blog

90 Days Goes Fast in the Dev World

Day 90 of Flatiron School


2 minute read

computer screen with code

Zero lessons or labs done yesterday. Had an impromptu dinner at the in-laws and when my wife and I got home we decided to spend some time with the neighbors talking. That turned into a great evening or wine, scotch, and conversation until 4am. I did however, read You Don’t Know JS in the car on the way to and from dinner so I did some learning. I got through the first book, Up & Going, and was able to start the second book, Scope & Closures.

The DOM & Oh My Zsh!

Day 88 of Flatiron School


3 minute read

terminal screen shot

The DOM. Forgot to throw in the main info about the DOM I learned yesterday in last night’s blog: The Document Object Model is a representation of the current view of the browser, and can be manipulated without reloading a page. The HTML is the text in a file first used to display the page. With Javascript we can (1) view a current representation of our Document Object Model.

Let's Be Strict

Day 87 of Flatiron School


3 minute read

strict lady

Today I spent 30 mins pairing with one of the Learn instructors trying to work through some issues my Rails portfolio project has. Something I found out is that the project requirement to use a custom attribute writer instead of has_nested_attributes actually removes some functionality from the final app. Because of this lack of Rails magic one of my problems is harder to fix than expected. The other one is just a more simple if.

ruby = [], ruby << javascript

Day 86 of Flatiron School


1 minute read

JavaScript is coming back to me more and more as I’m getting back into it. I have to say it’s a bit frustrating at times but that’s fine. I look back at how Ruby was frustrating when I started and how I enjoy it so much now (most of the time). Okay. I’m beat. It was a long day. I don’t think I’ll even publish this tonight because it’s not even a full paragraph.

Back to JavaScript

Day 85 of Flatiron School


2 minute read

javascript logo

So I’m back in JavaScript world again. Since I had done a lot of the intro stuff during my Bootcamp Prep work I spent tonight mostly skimming over everything I already had done to remind my mind how to think JS. I have to say, it didn’t come back quickly when I was reading it. The first lab I worked on, well the only lab I worked on, was slow. However, the functions and syntax came quickly.