Daily blog

2 minute read

Started the day off with a win before 8 am. I was working on a lab to take an array and return a string with Oxford commas inserted. I finished the lab and had it passing tests then refactored and chopped two lines of code out of it. This made me happy. Original code: def oxford_comma(array) if array.length == 1 return "#{array[0]}" elsif array.length == 2 return array.join(" and ") elsif array.

4 minute read

After 3 hours today I finished up the HTML and CSS section. I took one real note today in that 3 hours: When it comes to Bootstrap as a framework the .col-xs class never stacks vertically no matter how small the width of the screen gets. Figured that was something I might need to know later. I also learned a lot about how powerful and easy it is to make a site responsive using Bootstrap.

3 minute read

It was a LONG day of HTML & CSS and I’m still not done with this section. It’s okay though. While a lot of it has been review a lot of it has not as well. I’ve been learning a ton about responsive web design. Especially Mobile Up (Mobile First) design and how to utilize @media queries in CSS to set break points. As well as some best practices doing design of this type.

3 minute read

Today had a rough start. We decided to start potty training today and my wife and I were not on the same page about what that would look like in terms of the amount of coding I would get done today. Thankfully we got things moving pretty smoothly about noon. I then proceeded to complete my first part of the Intro to Ruby curriculum! I now have a functioning CLI Tic Tac Toe game built in Ruby.

3 minute read

Today was no longer than the first few but definitely felt like it was. I learned the hard lesson that with this schedule I actually have to go to sleep when I schedule it. I stayed up late last night but still stuck to my 6 am wake-up call. Needless to say my last 30 minutes of coding tonight was not good and I couldn’t make progress like I know I can.